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Terapia Floral Largo do Machado

Joel Aleixo´s Alchemical Flower Therapy

Joel Aleixo´s Alchemical Flower Therapy is a holistic healing system that balances the mind, body and soul through a wholesome Healing Method .


Alchemy is a mystical practice that flourished during the Middle Ages, bringing together Science, Art and Magic. It is associated with different kinds of  knowledge: Medicine, Chemistry, Metallurgy, Physics and Astrology. One of the main goals of Alchemy was to transform heavy materials (eg: lead and copper) into precious ones (gold and silver).

Nowadays, due to technological advances, Alchemy has much more to offer to  Humankind. Further than thansforming nature elements, its main purpose is to  promote the cure of all diseases. The modern Alchemy aims to encourage  self-knowledge. Joel Aleixo says that by being the disciple of  Alchemical science wisdow,  he has a long  path to walk. His aim is to  rescue its real meaning, which is the integration of : the self , the macrocosm and the microcosm,  the spirit and the body; in brief,  the transmutation of the lead of ignorance to  the gold of spiritual consciousness. The transformation which starts from inside out, in perfect synchronicity with the  natural life cycles.

Based on the principles of Alchemy,  Joel Aleixo´s Alchemical Flower Therapy encompasses both human being´s  body and spiritual spheres which  help us to explore all existence´s intrinsic parts. Therefore,  we can fulfill our life´s purposes in this way. Two types of flower essences are used in this treatment : the subtle essences that act in our energetic memory which awakes unwanted behavioral patterns to consciousness and the flower compounds essences that provide physical and emotional support during the therapeutic process

This complementary effect among the subtle and the compound essences  makes  Joel Aleixo´s Alchemical Flower Therapy System to be very potent and extremely effective. In the first moment of this therapy, there is a detox effect on what we have inherited, in terms of  physical and emotional level,  from our ancestors, which is not part of our real and true inner essence and also doesn´t contribute to our evolutionary process.

Another important procedure is the purification of all intrauterine traumas, which are negative information obtained and previously stored before birth. Finally, we enter the universe of alchemical astrology with the flower essences that awaken  the mysteries of predestination within ourselves, helping us to reach the required wisdom  for a full, healthy and happy life.

What is Flower Therapy?

Flower Essence Therapy is a kind of  therapy created by Dr. Edward Bach, an English physician, who after long researches  on the nature (specially on the flowers, and the observations on the human beings´ behaviours. In 1930, he  discovered that the causes of many people´s diseases are due to unbalanced mental and emotional states.

One of this therapy´s principles is  the  individual´s active participation in his health uplevel and recovery process, through an approach in which he is invited to seek within himself  all those feelings that may be causing his health´s unbalance and, consequently, his diseases.

In this way, flower essence therapy promotes the individual´s health responsibility, by his own self-knowledge and self-development. Another basic principle that supports this therapy is the  person´s inner and emotional treatment   rather than the disease, the cause and not the effect, the whole aspect and not the small parts, in a process that emphasizes the health improvement  and its recovery. Above all,  the human being´s inclusion in all his aspects (physical, emotional and mental).

Aromaterapia Largo do Machado

Flower Therapy in Brazil

In Brazil, flower medicines arrived at the end of the 1980s and quickly became popular, as they are a simple, effective, low-cost and self-care treatment with no side effects. Nowadays,  it is officially considered as an integrative and complementary practice in Health professions as well as within numerous social works, such as within the “Pastoral da Saúde” , which is a specialized course at  University Schedule, being also included in some professions´ curriculum.

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