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  • Terapia Energetica Rio De Janeiro | Veronica Moura Terapia Energética

    Space of balance, transformation and connection with your Being Know more energy therapy rio de janeiro Veronica Moura She has been a quantum astrologer for over 20 years. Furthermore, she has been a quantum therapist for over 10 years. During this time, she took the following courses: Energetic Alignment (Sacred Fire- Shamanism), Metamorphic Massage ( European widely used technique- unprecedent in Brazil), Floral Therapy, Theta Healing and Access Bars. Her great transformation occurred after the Access Consciousness® Bars Course. Due to this, she decided to become an Access Consciousness® Bars Facilitator, Access Energetic Facelift and Body Processes. See my Bio Treatments Several techniques focused on the expansion of Consciousness and empowerment of Being. Most natural therapies have the purpose of balancing the individual on all levels: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. Quantum Astrology Deep and detailed study about your personality. More Info Flower Therapy Bach Flower Remedies / Joel Aleixo Alchemical Flower Remedies More Info Aromatherapy A pseudoscience based on the use of essential oils. More Info Quantum Apometry Restores balance by removing low vibration energy patterns. More Info Metamorphic Massage It is a unique therapeutic massage technique for the feet, hands and head. More Info Energy Alignment Sacred Fire (Shamanism) physical - mental - emotional - spiritual More Info Crystal Therapy Physical, emotional, mental and vibrational issues are worked on. More Info Dowsing Measure, detect and balance energy fields and in the human body through the use of the pendulum. More Info Dragonlight Radionic Table It helps us to deal with all the experiences of life already acquired and to co-create future experiences. More Info Thetahealing Quantum therapy through a specific meditation process More Info Access Bars Possibility of living in essence, with much more Ease, Joy and Glory! More Info Access Facelift Energetic body process that promotes facial rejuvenation. More Info Veronica Moura courses In-person and Live Courses (bilingual): Floral - Aromatherapy - Astrology Awaken the awareness of your inner dimension, through our courses. The studies of various therapies based on energy, vibration and the fundamentals of Quantum Physics aim to improve and maintain health, as well as quality of life. Soon To be great, BE whole... (Fernando Pessoa) Testimonials Contact Name Telephone Email choose an option choose an option arrow&v Submit ''Everything in life comes to me with Ease, Joy and Glory!''

  • Cursos | Veronica Moura

    Curso Acess Facelift Energético™ É uma técnica que envolve a ativação de mais de 27 frequências energéticas, além de processos verbais que desbloqueiam o fluxo energético do corpo. Usando as mãos como neurotransmissores, o toque suave é aplicado na face, pescoço e colo, liberando estresse e outras causas do envelhecimento, tratando todo corpo de dentro para fora, zerando o trauma das células e restaurando o rejuvenescimento. Isso facilita desbloquear os campos de energia, pontos de estagnação causados geralmente por nossas emoções, estresse e julgamentos com relação ao envelhecimento que carregamos de longo prazo. Com a energia fluindo em nosso corpo, os músculos começam a relaxar e a pele começa a rejuvenescer. Você já pensou em retardar o processo de envelhecimento? Parecer mais jovem sem a necessidade de cirurgia, substâncias químicas ou agulhas? INSCREVA-SE

  • Thetahealing | Veronica Moura

    Thetahealing The ThetaHealing technique allows you to access the plan of the “Creator of All That Is” (or any of its different names) and transform the negative patterns and beliefs, which are registered in our DNA, into positive patterns and beliefs by a specific meditation process. ​ By this therapeutic process, all the mental, spiritual, emotional and physical blocks and limitations, which are preventing the person's development in any of his life's áreas, are released. What is ThetaHealing? It is a form of quantum therapy created by North American Vianna Stibal. The ThetaHealing technique allows you to access, by a specific meditation process, the plan of the Creator of All That Is; (or any of its different denominations) and transform these negative patterns and beliefs, (which are registered in our DNA) into positive patterns and beliefs. By doing so, the limitations of the mental, spiritual, emotional and physical blocks that prevent personal development in any of life areas are released. As everyone may already know, our thoughts and beliefs shape our reality. The way we internally interpret the experiences of our lives ends up defining the reality that we manifest externally. Therefore, if we want to change reality, we first have to change limiting beliefs and patterns. Origin of the ThetaHealing term As human beings, we function according to five brain frequencies – Beta, Alpha, Theta, Delta and Gamma – each one with its own set of features that influence of brain activity level and our state of consciousness. When we are awake and working, we are in the Beta brain frequency, which is a heightened state of alertness and reasoning. But when we are in deep relaxation, such as: meditation or sleep, we reach Alpha brain waves. This frequency already puts us in a greater state of imagination, learning and even concentration. During ThetaHealing session, the Theta brain frequency is reached (origin of the technique's name), the same frequency as deep meditation or light sleep, which provides a mental state that makes ease to access our subconscious, allowing the change off feelings and beliefs as well as a deeper creativity. In this state, we create our reality. By being in connection with the Theta Healing state, this allows the therapist to be able to act as a channel to assist the client in solving deep complex problems in a few sessions. Finally, we have the Delta and Gamma frequencies. The first is the frequency of deep sleep, the second is associated with a very high level of information processing. How it works? ThetaHealingIt is a therapeutic technique that has two mains action basis: the beliefs and feelings. The first basis is the belief work, which has to do with what we believe, whether consciously or unconsciously. Therefore, when we have the possibility to access this belief system and release it, we can co-create a reality that is more aligned with what we desire. ​ The change in human consciousness is very fast. As soon as someone realizes that negative patterns are the factors that block life and also even make the body gets sick; naturally, through meditation, we realize that there is nothing more powerful for healing than consciousness itself which is capable of transforming negative patterns into feelings (eg.: love and compassion). . Return

  • Terapia Floral | Veronica Moura

    Joel Aleixo´s Alchemical Flower Therapy Joel Aleixo´s Alchemical Flower Therapy is a holistic healing system that balances the mind, body and soul through a wholesome Healing Method . Alchemy is a mystical practice that flourished during the Middle Ages, bringing together Science, Art and Magic. It is associated with different kinds of knowledge: Medicine, Chemistry, Metallurgy, Physics and Astrology. One of the main goals of Alchemy was to transform heavy materials (eg: lead and copper) into precious ones (gold and silver). Nowadays, due to technological advances, Alchemy has much more to offer to Humankind. Further than thansforming nature elements, its main purpose is to promote the cure of all diseases. The modern Alchemy aims to encourage self-knowledge. Joel Aleixo says that by being the disciple of Alchemical science wisdow, he has a long path to walk. His aim is to rescue its real meaning, which is the integration of : the self , the macrocosm and the microcosm, the spirit and the body; in brief, the transmutation of the lead of ignorance to the gold of spiritual consciousness. The transformation which starts from inside out, in perfect synchronicity with the natural life cycles. Based on the principles of Alchemy, Joel Aleixo´s Alchemical Flower Therapy encompasses both human being´s body and spiritual spheres which help us to explore all existence´s intrinsic parts. Therefore, we can fulfill our life´s purposes in this way. Two types of flower essences are used in this treatment : the subtle essences that act in our energetic memory which awakes unwanted behavioral patterns to consciousness and the flower compounds essences that provide physical and emotional support during the therapeutic process This complementary effect among the subtle and the compound essences makes Joel Aleixo´s Alchemical Flower Therapy System to be very potent and extremely effective. In the first moment of this therapy, there is a detox effect on what we have inherited, in terms of physical and emotional level, from our ancestors, which is not part of our real and true inner essence and also doesn´t contribute to our evolutionary process. Another important procedure is the purification of all intrauterine traumas, which are negative information obtained and previously stored before birth. Finally, we enter the universe of alchemical astrology with the flower essences that awaken the mysteries of predestination within ourselves, helping us to reach the required wisdom for a full, healthy and happy life. What is Flower Therapy? Flower Essence Therapy is a kind of therapy created by Dr. Edward Bach, an English physician, who after long researches on the nature (specially on the flowers, and the observations on the human beings´ behaviours. In 1930, he discovered that the causes of many people´s diseases are due to unbalanced mental and emotional states. One of this therapy´s principles is the individual´s active participation in his health uplevel and recovery process, through an approach in which he is invited to seek within himself all those feelings that may be causing his health´s unbalance and, consequently, his diseases. In this way, flower essence therapy promotes the individual´s health responsibility, by his own self-knowledge and self-development. Another basic principle that supports this therapy is the person´s inner and emotional treatment rather than the disease, the cause and not the effect, the whole aspect and not the small parts, in a process that emphasizes the health improvement and its recovery. Above all, the human being´s inclusion in all his aspects (physical, emotional and mental). Flower Therapy in Brazil In Brazil, flower medicines arrived at the end of the 1980s and quickly became popular, as they are a simple, effective, low-cost and self-care treatment with no side effects. Nowadays, it is officially considered as an integrative and complementary practice in Health professions as well as within numerous social works, such as within the “Pastoral da Saúde” , which is a specialized course at University Schedule, being also included in some professions´ curriculum. Return

  • Barra de Acess | Veronica Moura

    Access Bars Access Bars from Access Consciousness® Is a deep changing energetical process in which by gentle hands´ touches on 32 points on the patient´s head , which are related to different areas of our life; and that also store neural synapses electromagnetic components of all the negative experiences we have ever lived. Based on this fact, it conditions the patterns of our personality that cause us suffering and limitations. During an Access Bars´session, as the brain waves slow down, this allows to be released all the records´electromagnetic charge of that negative experiences which were sent to our system, changing the meaning of these experiences and opening space for new possibilities to be created in our lives. ​ ​ It is like deleting the old files, which are causing problems, from our Hard Disk (= mind). There are also other tools in the Access universe, which are the energetic body processes such as: MTVSS(most dynamic), Correcting Vision, BMM, etc... For more information, Click here. HEALTH ISSUES: Depression; Anxiety ; Panic Syndrome; Physical illnesses/psycological and emotional traumas Insomnia/sleep problems; ADHD (Attention- deficit hyperactivity disorder) Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD); Autism Most common immediate benefits after an Access Bars session are: - Improvement of clarity, better mindset, concentration and the ability to solve problems; - Reduction of anxiety, depression, restless thoughts and sleep problems (eg- insomnia); - Increase of creativity; - Increase of joy, satisfaction and motivation in life; - Deep relaxation, better physical/ mind disposition and higher positive mood; - Elimination of negative behavior patterns; - Fast recovery from surgeries with less pain; - Reduction of internal and external conflicts; - Reduction of physical and mental tensions; - Relief from trauma and stress; - Inner peace and deep relaxation. SOP - Symphony of Possibilities What would be like to find out what is true for you and for your body? The Symphony of Possibilities (SOP) is an Access Consciousness ®️ energetic body process created by Dr. Dain Heer (co-creater of Access Consciousness) whose target is to empower and offer changes to the patient through his body´s molecules energy. At the beginning of the session the patient mentions his intention for the treatment. Based on it, the Practioner has the possibility of interacting with the patient´s body by the subtle touch in his Quantum Universe. Then, he/she will follow the patient´s energetic molecules body flow and thus creating a real Symphony of Infinite possibilities for his/her body and his/her life. It is a very magical, subtle and profound session, difficult to express in words. It is worth trying because it is a unique experience for each patient. If you feel like it , follow your wisdow (intuition)! Benefits: • Higher feeling of joy, enthusiasm and empowerment. • More openness for the magical appearance of infinite possibilities in your life for the fulfillment of the session´s intention in the present and near future • Awaken your inborn gift to co-create a new reality for your life by your inner concession. Return

  • Crystal therapy | Veronica Moura

    Crystal Therapy It is the name for the therapeutic use of crystals, which is based on the healing and harmonizing effect of special crystals used on certain areas of the client's body. According to Esoterism, crystals have therapeutic properties,such as: restoring physical and spiritual balance, mainly if they are used correctly. The origin of Crystal Therapy is millennial. Indian native tribes have always been known for using crystals´ healing properties. Ancient Egyptians also used crystals, besides other ancient civilizations. Scholars, therapists and esoterics believe that these stones have a memory, that keep impressions, which they can be rescued by a crystal therapist or a sensitive. Benefits of Crystal Therapy • Crystals have the power to unlock and rebalance energies and emotions, relieving negative sensations and activating the good ones; ​ • Gemstones can be used for meditation together with natural incense stick; ​ • For the activation of energy and rebalancing of the chakras (energy centers of the body), as according to the Crystal´s colour, it is also related to the color of the chakra where it must be applied; ​ • Crystals help in the healing process, as long as they are energized beforehand and properly applied; ​ • By using a special gemstone (eg: black tourmaline) in the navel chakra (navel), it can protect you against low level and negative energies; ​ • By using some special crystals in the environment, it brings about harmony and peace to everyone in this place. Crystal Therapy session During the session, the crystal therapist checks your current health by measuring your chakras with a pendulum. Then, put the energized crystals on the skin, according to what you need in that moment. Some people remark feeling sensations during the appliance of the gemstones, such as: heat and color visualizations. Some therapists use the crystals´ properties together with other holistic therapies in order to enhance the healing process, such as: Reiki, Dowsing, Traditional Chinese Medicine and Sacred Feminine (Yoni Eggs). Return

  • Apometria Quantica | Veronica Moura

    Quantum Apometry It is one of the most efficient treatments whose purpose is to rebalance our bodies´ energy by removing low vibrations energy patterns from our subtle bodies which are capable of causing us a series of disorders, such as: tiredness, stress, anxiety and weakness. This technique brings fast and effective effects on those who have experienced it by providing the change/transformation of Consciousness states in terms of Quantum level. Thus, it allows all Spirits to walk free on Earth and finish their evolution journey without carrying the bonds, traumas and pains of the past, which end up delaying and often paralyzing their pathways. Symptoms : Fear Guilt Anger Hurt Anxiety Panic attack Insomnia Stress Psychosis Obsessions Psychosomatic illnesses. Return

  • Dowsing | Veronica Moura

    Dowsing It is a science which has the purpose of measuring and detecting energy fields by means of some specific tools , such as: pendulum Dowsing (=Radiesthesia =>Latin term, radius = radiation from the Greek + aeshtesis = sensitivity) which means sensitivity/perception. It is a science that measures and detects energy fields of environments, places and people through some instruments (eg: pendulum). This tool for measuring energy takes place in a supra-sensory way. The practice of radiesthesia has been used man throughout history. Since prehistoric times, researchers have found images records carved in caves which shows command sticks used to find his preys. There are also reports of its use over 4,000 years ago in China, and so on. Throughout history, dowsing has been used for several purposes, such as: finding water, tracking ores, medical treatments, etc... Return

  • Sobre | Veronica Moura

    Veronica Moura Verônica Moura, graduated at the Languages Course (English\Portuguese -Translation/Interpreter) at PUC University in RJ, practitioner of Meditation\Yoga (over 25 years), great fan of books and addicted to learning\improving her knowledge and self-knowledge. Since childhood, I have always wanted to help people and know more about myself, other people, Astrology and Astro signs). So, during the College, the Universe conspired in my favour and by chance I could complete my course in Astrology with the renowned astrologer Assuramaya (1986). I was really caught by this incredible astro world and continued diving into the Astro studies by doing several advanced Courses in order to improve my Astrological knowledge. So, after a 20 year of practice, I created my own Astrological approach, named Quantum Astrology, which is a powerful tool for self-knowledge and energetic/stellar connection with your Soul Mission. For a better explanation, during the Astro birth chart session, I make a deep reading of my client´s chart in which I show his\her inner potential, skills, behaviour, and also their internal challenges that are blocking his\her connection with his\her true Self. I believe that a Human Being ,who is fully aware of his true inner potential and fully integrated with the 4 elements (Fire, Air, Earth and Water) + 5 th Element can fulfill his Soul´s Mission. y recognizing his true power, the Human Being can really lead his life and take the role as the co-creator of his ownreality in a full and conscious way. He will perceive the Divine Sparkle that is inside his Heart, the whole ujyUniverse within himself. In short terms, Everything is Energy. We are all interconnected with everything and everyone. We are the Microcosmos connected with the Macrocosm (Universe) creating reality in a dynamic way all the time. Just be aware and present in this right moment, in the Space of Now. Over this 20 year practice period, I did other several therapeutic training Courses (see the list below), which I added to my Astrological sessions, even recommending them to my clients. According to my clients´s Astrological period, some of these energetic techniques could give them more mental, emotional and physical balance, specially during their most challenging times. I realize that these energetic tools are very important, both as a complement to my sessions and as individually (Session), as they can help them to get a deep integration with their birth charts. THERAPEUTIC ENERGETIC COURSE TRAININGS: • Reiki - 1995 (Level 1/Level 3) • Bach and Saint Germain Flower Therapy (2003/2005) • Crystal Therapy and Aromatherapy (2005); • Reflexology (2006-RJ); • Metamorphic Massage (2008- Spain) • Energetic Alignment (Sacred Fire – Rj (2009) • Theta Healing (2015); • Access Bars/Body Processes and Facelift Courses (2016) (Facilitator) and SOP (Symphony of Possibilities) - 2019 • Metamorphic Technique (2019 - Ireland) • Violet Dragonlight Radionic Table (2021/2022 - online) • Alchemy Flower Therapy by Joel Aleixo. (2021/2022- online) For whom it may concern, I make individual treatment sessions (online\presence) with the above techniques . It is worth mentioning that the ones that really had a great turn in my life were: Metamorphic Massage and Access Consciousness® Bars Courses. I did the training Course on Metamorphic Massage in Madrid (Spain – 2008), which is an unprecedented technique in Brazil. Since then, I have been attending throughout Brazil and abroad. And in 2019, I did an advanced training- Metamorphic Technique in Ireland. Over the years, I have seen incredible results with the 2 techniques which are very relaxing and deeply transforming. It is recommended for all kind of people, specially for children with Down Syndrome, Autism, Learning Disorders (ADHD, ADD, Deficit and Attention Deficit) and pregnant women as well as Access Bars. In July 2016, I took the Access Bars Course and my life took a quantum leap like I have never experienced before. For this reason, I chose to become a Facilitator of this technique straightaway and did the Body Energetic Processes and Facelift (Facial Rejuvenation) Course Trainings a few months later. In 2019, I took the SOP Course (Symphony of Possibilities), which is the most advanced Body Energetic Process, created by Dr. Dain Heer (Co-creator of Access), which I do online and live sessions. ​ Finally, I realize that the more I attend Courses of the different energetic techniques, the more I expand my Consciousness about myself and how I can be a greater contribution to other people and to the world. Consequently, it increases my desire to this spread this knowledge to other people so that they can become more empowered, aware and free to be themselves, fully connected to their potential and prepared to manifest their true self, his life purpose.

  • Aromatherapy | Veronica Moura

    Aromatherapy It is recognized as “an ancient art and science of blending essential oils extracted from plants and other plant compounds to balance, blend and nurture body and mind´s health” according to the International Federation Aromatherapists. Currently, Aromatherapy is seen as a therapeutic resource recognized by the World Health Organization (Who). So this technique is a complementary line of health treatment in Brazil , where the technique is one of the Integrative and Complementary Practices used by the Unified Health System (SUS). Formely, there are records in Medicine of the use of natural products in health treatments dated far from 2000 years BC. However, the first extraction of essential oils, which is the raw material of Aromatherapy, has not been recorded. In the course of time and due to the development of the research on its effects, this technique began to have a broader and more holistic use. In other words, Aromatherapy started to present its benefits for the individual´s physical, mental and emotional health. How it works? Aromatherapy functions in the following way: the substances which make up the aroma of the essential oils release particles that impulse the nerve cells. Due to this, these impulses activate brain áreas related to the emotions. Likewise, they also cause physiological reactions. Therefore, the main methods used in Aromatherapy are through the essential oils inhalation or flavorings around the environment. The application can also be done in aromatic baths or topical use, as in massages. Benefits of Aromatherapy In practice, aromatherapy serves to help dealing with disorders such as: insomnia, anxiety, pain, discomfort, etc.. This therapy induces into relaxing and even stimulating sensations. For this reason, it is necessary to know how to choose the best essential oil that presents the desired effects. For instance: lavender oil has a relaxing effect, being good for cases of insomnia as it harmonizes the 7 chakras ( body´s energy points); lemon oil is recommended for cognitive development and peppermint oil helps with the release from the airways and mind concentration. In addiction to this, studies have emphasized that aromatherapy helps to strengthen the body and fight against physiological diseases. Return

  • Mesa Radionica | Veronica Moura

    Dragonlight Radionic Table The Dragonlight Violet Radionics Board is used to help us to deal with all current life´s experiencies and cleanse them all in order create new and ligther future experiences. It allows to identify and cleanse different types of energetic vibrations that are present in our life in this current moment. Besides, facilitating the integration of all these information into our spiritual wisdom and deeper understanding. Based on this, we obtain the help of the DragonLights team to provide mind, emotional and spiritual changes in our current life and avoid mistakes and misconceptions that may be continously repeating along our histories. From the Dragonlight Board, we can interact in a deeper and more powerful way not only with the Dragonlights, but also with the Elementals, Stars and other Beings of Light. It offers us the conditions to work effectively with our spirit guides´team. As long as we work further with energy fields, we strenghten even more our skills, which allows us to deal more easily with our present reality in order to co-create a better future. When our vibrational field is aligned and strengthened, we attract better experiences to our lives, aimed at our own higher good. The Dragonlight Violet Board also allows us to dive inside ourselves and strengthen our individual process so that we can work for the Higher Good of the planet. Dragon Coaching (by Dragon Energy Center) It is a self-coaching tool to help you co-create the life you wish to live. It is a board (a kind of Map), with nine areas of your life and a group of 81 cards that invoke the strength of the different types of Dragons. It is a board (a kind of Map) with nine areas of your life and a series of 81 cards that evoke the strength of the different types of Dragonlights. During the session, the cards are overlapped on these areas, in order to enable you to focus your energy combined with the required actions in order to reach for your goals in all areas of your life. Dragon Coaching ® (Trademark of Dragon Energy Center) brings you the superpower of Consciousness. This awareness awakes in you the skill of watching the events unfolding in your life as well as taking actions along the process (like a boat avoiding the rocks), thus ensuring the energy flows towards the full accomplishment of your purpose. Self-knowledge about yourself and about your own behaviour patterns is an effective way to recognize your own potency and skills so that you can a create your life for your higher good as well as for everyone around you. Radionics Radionics is the science or art capable of working with such energies, in order to balance and harmonize them. Radionics works on what dowsing has identified. According to dowsers, the combination of dowsing and radionics allows transformations, raising energy to such a higher level as possible to awaken a healing process in the patient, both physical and mental, emotional and spiritual. Return

  • Metamorphic Massagem | Veronica Moura

    Metamorphic Massage It is a simple and gentle massage with deep effects on the person's transformation process. ​ It is a technique that was created by Robert St. John, an English naturopath and reflexologist, who, based on years of experience with reflexology, had discovered that certain circular movements on specific areas of the foot generate deep changes on the patient´s behaviour. It is a simple massage, smooth and with deep effects on the person's transformation process. It is a technique that was created by Robert Saint John, an English naturopath, who discovered that certain circular movements on specific areas of the foot arouse deep changes in the patient’s behaviour. After years of researching over several different types of oriental massages, he created the ‘Metamorphic Massage’. Metamorphic Massage is performed on the feet, hands and head, on certain specific areas that represent reflex points of the spine. By a smooth touch, a PERSON´S LIFE ENERGY is awaken and the body structure is released from the traumatic effects of life, allowing the person to be free in order to take the maximum opportunities in life . This massage's main purpose is to help the individual to remove many of his unconscious patterns and energy blocks that prevent him from moving forward, changing and really enjoying life. The symbol of the Metamorphic Massageit is the butterfly which passed through the whole transformation process inside its cocoon until it took flight on the wings of freedom. It is the real release of the Being towards its divine mission. Return

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