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Radiestesia Largo do Machado


It is a science which has the purpose of measuring and detecting energy fields by means of some specific tools , such as: pendulum


Dowsing (=Radiesthesia =>Latin term, radius = radiation from the Greek + aeshtesis = sensitivity) which means sensitivity/perception. It is a science that measures and detects energy fields of environments, places and people through some instruments  (eg: pendulum). This tool for measuring energy takes place in a supra-sensory way.

The practice of radiesthesia has been used man throughout history. Since prehistoric times, researchers have found  images records carved in caves which shows command sticks used to find his preys. There are also reports of its use over 4,000 years ago in China, and so on.  Throughout history, dowsing has been used for several purposes, such as: finding water, tracking ores, medical treatments, etc...

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