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Barras de Access Veronica Moura

Access Bars

Access Bars from Access Consciousness®
Is a deep changing energetical process in which by  gentle hands´ touches on 32 points on the patient´s head , which are related to different areas of our life; and that also store neural synapses electromagnetic components of all the negative experiences we have ever lived. Based on this fact, it conditions the patterns of our personality that cause us suffering and limitations.


During an Access Bars´session, as the brain waves slow down, this  allows  to be released all the  records´electromagnetic charge of that negative experiences which were sent to our system,  changing the meaning of these experiences and opening space for new possibilities to be created in our lives.

It is like deleting the old files, which are causing problems, from our Hard Disk (= mind).

There are also other tools in the Access universe, which are the energetic body processes such as: MTVSS(most dynamic), Correcting Vision, BMM, etc... For more information, Click here.


  • Depression;

  • Anxiety ;

  • Panic Syndrome;

  • Physical illnesses/psycological and emotional traumas

  • Insomnia/sleep problems;

  • ADHD (Attention- deficit hyperactivity disorder)

  • Obsessive-compulsive  disorder (OCD);   

  • Autism

Veronica Moura - Barras de Access

Most common immediate benefits after an Access Bars session are:

- Improvement of clarity, better mindset, concentration and the ability to solve problems;

- Reduction of anxiety, depression, restless thoughts and sleep problems (eg- insomnia);

- Increase of creativity;

- Increase of  joy, satisfaction and motivation in life;

- Deep relaxation, better physical/ mind disposition and higher positive mood;

- Elimination of negative behavior patterns;

- Fast recovery from surgeries with less pain;

- Reduction of internal and external conflicts;

- Reduction of physical and mental tensions;

- Relief from trauma and stress;

- Inner peace and deep relaxation.

Veronica Moura Terapia Energética

SOP - Symphony of Possibilities

What  would  be like to find out what is true for you and for your body?

The Symphony of Possibilities (SOP) is an Access Consciousness ®️ energetic body process created by Dr. Dain Heer (co-creater of Access Consciousness) whose target is to empower and offer changes to the patient through his body´s molecules energy.

At the beginning of the session the patient mentions his intention for the treatment. Based on it, the Practioner has the possibility of interacting with the patient´s body  by the subtle touch in his Quantum Universe. Then, he/she  will follow the patient´s energetic molecules body flow and thus creating a real Symphony of Infinite possibilities for his/her body and his/her life.

It is a very magical, subtle and profound session, difficult to express in words. It is worth trying  because it is a unique experience for each patient. If you feel like it , follow your wisdow (intuition)!


• Higher feeling of  joy, enthusiasm and empowerment.
• More openness for the magical appearance of infinite possibilities in your life for the fulfillment of the session´s intention in the present and near future
• Awaken your  inborn gift to co-create a new reality for your life by your inner concession.

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