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Aromaterapia Rio de Janeiro


It is recognized as “an ancient art and science of blending essential oils extracted from plants and other plant compounds to balance, blend and nurture body and mind´s health” according to the International Federation Aromatherapists.


Currently, Aromatherapy is seen as a therapeutic resource recognized by the World Health Organization (Who).

So this technique is a complementary line of health treatment in Brazil , where the technique is one of the Integrative and Complementary Practices used by the Unified Health System (SUS).

Formely, there are records in Medicine of the use of natural products in health treatments dated  far from 2000 years BC.  However, the first extraction of essential oils, which is the raw material of Aromatherapy, has not been recorded.

In the course of time and due to the development of the research on its effects, this technique began to have a broader and more holistic use. In other words, Aromatherapy started to present its benefits for the individual´s physical, mental and emotional health.

How it works?

Aromatherapy functions in the following way: the substances which make up the aroma of the essential oils release particles that impulse the nerve cells. Due to this, these impulses activate brain áreas related to the emotions. Likewise, they also cause physiological reactions.

Therefore, the main methods used in Aromatherapy are through the essential oils inhalation or flavorings around the environment.  The application can also be done in aromatic baths or topical use, as in massages.

Benefits of Aromatherapy

In practice, aromatherapy serves to help dealing with disorders such as: insomnia, anxiety, pain, discomfort, etc.. This therapy induces into relaxing and even stimulating sensations. For this reason, it is necessary to know how to choose the best essential oil that presents the desired effects.

For instance: lavender oil has a relaxing effect,  being good for cases of  insomnia as it harmonizes the 7 chakras ( body´s energy points); lemon oil is recommended for cognitive development  and peppermint oil helps with  the release from the airways and mind concentration. In addiction to this, studies have emphasized that aromatherapy helps to strengthen the body and fight against physiological diseases.

Aromaterapia Largo do Machado
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