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Space of balance, transformation and connection with your Being


energy therapy rio de janeiro

Veronica Moura Terapeuta Energética

Veronica Moura

She has been a quantum astrologer for over 20 years.

Furthermore, she has been a quantum therapist for over 10 years. During this time,  she took the following courses:  Energetic Alignment (Sacred Fire-  Shamanism), Metamorphic Massage ( European widely used technique- unprecedent in Brazil), Floral Therapy,  Theta Healing and Access Bars.

Her great transformation occurred after the Access Consciousness® Bars Course. Due to this, she decided to become  an Access Consciousness® Bars Facilitator, Access Energetic Facelift  and Body Processes.



Several techniques focused on the  expansion of Consciousness  and  empowerment of Being.

Most natural therapies have the purpose of balancing the individual on all levels: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.

Astrologia Quantica Rio de Janeiro

Quantum Astrology 

Deep and detailed study about your personality.

Terapeuta Floral Rio de Janeiro

Flower Therapy

Bach Flower Remedies / Joel Aleixo Alchemical Flower Remedies

Aromaterapia Largo do Machado


A pseudoscience based on the use of essential oils.

Apometria Quantica Rio de Janeiro

Quantum Apometry

Restores balance by removing low vibration energy patterns.

Metaporphic Massagem Rio de Janeiro

Metamorphic Massage

It is a unique therapeutic massage technique for the feet, hands and head.

Alinhamento Energético Rio de Janeiro

Energy Alignment

Sacred Fire (Shamanism)

physical - mental - emotional -  spiritual

Cristalterapia Largo do Machado

Crystal Therapy

Physical, emotional, mental and vibrational issues are worked on.

Radiestesia Largo do Machado


Measure, detect and balance energy fields and in the human body through the use of the pendulum.

Consulta Mesa Radionica Rio de Janeiro

Dragonlight Radionic Table

It helps us to deal with all the experiences of life already acquired and to co-create future experiences.

Thetaheling Rio de Janeiro


Quantum therapy through a specific meditation process

Barra de Acess Rio de Janeiro

Access Bars

Possibility of living in essence, with much more Ease, Joy and Glory!

Acesse Facelift Rio de Janeiro

Access Facelift

Energetic body process that promotes facial rejuvenation.

Veronica Moura - Terapeuta Energética
Veronica Moura Terapia Energetica

Veronica Moura courses

In-person and Live Courses (bilingual): Floral - Aromatherapy - Astrology

 Awaken the awareness of your inner dimension, through our courses. The studies of various therapies based on energy, vibration and the fundamentals of Quantum Physics aim to improve and maintain health, as well as quality of life.

Eclipse solar

To be great, BE whole...

(Fernando Pessoa) 



Veronica Moura - Terapia Energetica Rio de Janeiro
''Everything in life comes to me with
Ease, Joy and Glory!''
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